These are from emails with information about VBP 208.

I hope to organize it some in the future, but till then, here is the data for all to read over.

comments and stories appreciated to
jwstephens - at - ( replace -at- with appropriate email symbol)

Hi Jim, 
Glad to hear that some of the guys from 208 are still alive----haven't
been able to get in touch with anyone from my crew.. I never got around to
getting the book that Walter Schuman put out- but I have a copy of the
squadron book Peter Bogie Mike, it has a picture of each of the squadrons
crews and their address as on 1945. ( I have no idea if there is any more
copies available yet) Did Walt tell you about VPNavy site, it has all the
seaplane squadrons in it----the site address is <> just in
case you don't have it. I go back to it every once in a while---in hopes of
finding one of my crewmen.
I don't recall all the fellows in the squadron , but we did see a lot of
action, the ship we were billeted on was the USS Hamlin AV-15, I recall that
the friggen ship's skipper, Capt G. A. Mc Lean, had that ship painted and
repainted the whole time time we were aboard. Chip and paint-chip and paint,
someone said that Nimitz wanted to know who was using all that damn paint.
Did your Dad ever send a letter home
from Japan that we were there a few days before the surrender? I'll ktry and
attacht it to this note. Just off hand I can't think of too much else to
tell you lbut will keep in touch. Give you Dad my best regards

Andy Knef

file name:HUTHM
January 1, 2000
Sun City, California

Dear Mary

It is with heavy heart that I write this, not only for Jim's
passing but also that not more was done to keep the group together
after the war was over and everyone was back home.

The first squadron reunion was in St. Louis in 1948 or 49, I
believe and even though that was Virginia's home town I could not
afford to attend the reunion. After that I totally lost contact
with the group until years later when I decided to find the
Squadron and then later to find you and Jim. I met our Skipper Cmdr
Sintic at several of the reunions but our plane commander,
McKneely, was never at any of the reunions that I attended but I
understand he was at several of the earlier reunions. He does not
respond to any correspondence from me. If you would like to contact
him I could send you his address.

I have mailed copies of your letter to me and of the news
paper clipping to:Capt. Lester Slate who we both knew, Albert Hager
who was a member of our crew and to Lew Whitehead who now publishes
a Squadron News Letter.

I remember well our times together at Pensacola when you and
Jim used to take us places in your Studebaker automobile. Our
daughter was just a baby then and I believe you had your first
child then also.

With sincere love and memories of the old days I remain
Sincerely yours

Robert E. Dunavan


On Sunday afternoon December 7, 1941 I decided to go downtown
and take in a movie. I left my rented room in a private home on
South Pattie Ave, Wichita, Kansas and boarded a bus for downtown.
On the bus another passenger had a newspaper and I read the
headlines and first learned the Japanese had attacked Pearl Harbor
Hawaii. It was then that I first realized that for sure I was going
to be physically and intimately involved in a war where things
would be broken and people would die. I already knew enough about
the military to know that the officers earned more pay, lived
better and got to tell others what to do. I then resolved to be an

********************* *******************************

In keeping with the above it was on 14 Sept 1943 Bronson Field
Pensacola Florida, we three cadets, Dunavan, Desmond, and Frazer
were on our final flight with our PBY instructor, Ens. Mossman. We
had had our final checkride the day before and all passed of course
and as a result of our performance we three had the highest marks
of the entire group and were therefore entitled to make the
overnight navigation flight to Miami,Florida. We thought we were
pretty hot stuff. Just the Sunday before on a solo training flight
we had put on a mini airshow for the Sunday afternoon bathers at
a beach near the practice area. As usual on such training flights
each student had an hour in the righthand seat thus making it a
three hour flight. I had had my turn and the last student was in
the righthand seat getting his very last instructions from Ens.
Mossman. To pass away the time I was standing just back of the
cockpit hatch leaning against the navigators table, I later wished
I had been sitting somewhere. For some unknown reason Ens. Mossman
at this time decided to demonstrate just one more full stall
landing. Now we three cadets had full stall landings down to
perfection so it was really a waste of time. Anyway I was standing
there waiting, heard Ens. Mossman close the throttles, and start
his glide, couldn't see much, but glancing up it seemed to me the
nose was getting pretty high. Finally the wing went into full stall
and it got real quiet and then Whooosh!, CRASH!!. He must have
dropped that thing in from fifty feet. I stood there with my knees
locked as one tends to do when leaning against something. The force
of hitting the water caused both my knees to buckle. The left did
ok but when my right knee buckled it torn the muscles loose from
the ligaments in my right thigh. The pain was excruciating to say
the least. Luckily the aircraft survived with no damage that I ever
learned of. We had a little discussion before we tookoff and
terminated the training session. I didn't say much, just tried not
to reveal how much pain I was in. This put me in a real quandary,
my future wife was already in Pensacola and we planned to be
married the day I received my commission. I was certain that if I
went to sickbay I would be grounded and this would cause me to miss
the navigation flight to Miami, delay my commissioning and may be
even cause me to be discharged from the Navy or washed out of the
flight program at the least. Luckily I had no more flying to do, I
could never have pushed the rudder pedal with that injured leg,
except the navigation trip to Miami and I knew I wouldn't have to
make any takeoffs or landings, so I just decided to bear the pain
and reveal my condition no one other than those who already knew.
I don't believe Ens. Mossman ever learned of it. I'll tell you now
that first walk from the flight line to the barracks was an
agonizing trip. I had no idea what to do for it so consequently did
nothing, just took aspirin for the pain. The very next morning we
took off for Maimi, with depth bombs under each wing and plenty of
fifty calibre ammunition for the waist guns. At that time the
German submarines were operating in the Gulf of Mexico and the
disappearance of a PBY was attributed to them. It was the first
time I had ever tried to fly an airplane in a straight line for any
distance and got a good lecture from the full lieutenant in the
lefthand seat. It was a fun trip for all concerned though and I got
to plot the course home. The pain in my right leg continued
seemingly unabated but in reality it was slowly getting better. By
the time of the graduation ceremony I could stand for that length
of time without having to move around to get relief. Overtime it
continued to get better and never really caused me any serious
trouble except I never again had the strength in that leg as I did
in my left leg. Today after all those years there is a sunken spot
or recess in my leg where the muscles separated from the ligaments
and then grew back I suppose. I am also having an occasional pain
in my right knee which I attribute to that, "One Hard Landing in
Mobile Bay."
After the graduation ceremonies were over, cadet Frazer became
a Marine and I have never seen or heard from him since. Dennis
Desmond and his Virginia were married in the morning of Sept 21,
1943 and my Virginia and I were married at 4pm that afternoon in
the Presbyterian church of Pensacola . We became good friends with
Dennis Desmond and his Virginia and kept in touch for many years,
but after his Virginia became ill and died, we lost touch with
Dennis. He stayed in the Reserves and retired after twenty years.

@ Robert E. Dunavan Feb.2, 1995

copies:F. Frank VPB-208
K. Herbert
L. Slate VPB-208
Z. Driskill
Tig Krekel (his father was in VPB-208)
J. R. Glassco
James Huth VPB-208 (deceased)
Dick De La Mater MMA News Letter 7/12/00
ZIP DISC 1-26-00A
Dean Stites Aug.6.2001

file name:PLANE3
This photograph was taken May 5, 1945 off the southern coast of
Korea, by the photographer of airplane crew "L"( the plane on which
I was copilot ), of squadron VPB-208. This, downed airplane,
piloted by Commander A.J. Sintic, commander of Navy squadron VPB-
208, was the leader of a two plane bombing mission, sent out to
attack Jap shipping off the southern coast of Korea. Cmdr. Sintic's
plane was shot down while making a bombing run on a Jap tanker.
Cmdr. Sintic was able to set the plane down in the sea about five
miles from the enemy tanker. After the damaged airplane was safely
on the water the crew immediately put out the life rafts, of which
we carried two, and climbed into them and started paddling away.
Meanwhile the enemy ship was approaching as rapidly as they could
shooting all the while. The airplane on which I was copilot, set
down on the water near the stricken airplane and the men in the
rafts paddled over to us and climbed aboard our plane. This created
a large group of about twenty or twenty two persons making an extra
heavy load, so we had to jettison some material to lighten the
load. After taking off we circled the abandoned airplane and sank
it with 50 calibre gun fire from our nose turret and waist guns.
The gunners got a vicarous pleasure from shooting at our own
airplane. It didn't require many bullets to set it on fire and it
soon sank beneath the sea. We then headed for our home base at
Kerama Retta, just west of the island of Okinawa. The trip was
uneventful except that we did see some enemy planes in the
distance but they never attempted to attack us. Cmdr Sintic
received the Silver Star for bravely attacking the Japanese ship,
the commander of the plane I was on, Lieut. McNeely, received the
DFC, for performing the daring rescue of the downed crew and I
received this photograph.
On October 7, 1994 I once again met Cmdr. Sintic and some
members of his crew at a Squadron reunion in Dayton, Ohio. They
were very glad to see me, but not nearly so glad to see me as they
were some fifty years before, when the airplane I was copiloting,
landed on the water beside their stricken aircraft and saved them
from certain capture and possibly death at the hands at the rapidly
approaching enemy.
Robert E. Dunavan

copies to:Joe Krantz 9/22/97
Ralph Augur 6/3/98
file note book 9/22/97
Dean Stites 10/23/97
David E. Rinehart, Editor 3/26/98
Martin Mariner/Marlin News Letter
Zelma Driskill 3/30/98
Opal Varner Aug. 12, 1998

About June 25, 1998, my family and I are to meet with Joe
Kranz and his wife in Las Vegas, NV. Joe is one of the crew members
I helped rescue from the down plane in the Yellow Sea May 1945.
This meeting never happened as we were not able to go and I
haven't heard from Joe since. I tried to call him but the number I
had was no longer in service.
Robert E. Dunavan Aug. 12, 1998
April 13,1999
The above never happened but we are trying again this year.
The whole family is going, they all like Las Vegas but me, I'm just
going to see Joe and look at the sights. Ginny likes the nickel
slots. We will be there April 27 thru 29. Renting a car and driving
and will stay at the New York-New York hotel.
On July 15, 1998 I received a phone call from Albert L. Hager. He
is the crewman that got moved to the tail gun turret that I wrote
about in the article, "How I Met The Killer Porpoise". He remembers
the event a little different than I do but after all these years it
doesn't really matter exactly how it was. Anyway I had a good
conversation with him. Albert was a Radioman on our crew and his
station was immediately behind the co-pilots seat where I usually
sat. After visiting with Albert awhile I was able to recall him but
not what he looked like.
Robert E. Dunavan Aug. 12, 1998

copies to:Joe Krantz Aug 12, 1998
file note book Aug 12, 1998
James Huth 12/09/98
Joyce and Larry Hattem 4/13/99
back up disc 0826-1EE7 text format 4/13/99
printed April 13, 1999
ZIP DISC 1-26-00A

file name:POEM


Slowly, with thundering noise, we climb into the darkening sky

Far below where night has fallen, and mysterious shadows lie,

Flickering blinking lights show from the muzzles of the old Battle
Ships' guns

On the land midst the filth and gore brave men, both yellow and
white, are doomed to die.

7/14/94 original verse by Navanud Trebor(Robert Dunavan)

Kansas 1935

In a Kansas field the cockle burs grow

Between the corn stalks, row on row

Slowly, Oh! so slowly the plowing goes

To what end, only God knows.

7/20/94 original verse by Navanud Trebor(Robert Dunavan)

copies:F. Frank
L. Slate
B. Tuttle 1/1/96
J. Krantz
file note book
Opal Varner Aug 12, 1998
Charles Craig's s-i-law 10/10/98
William R. Auld Dec 20,1998
Larry Hattem 2/8/1999
backup disc 0826-1EE7
Tracy Ewbank 2/10/99
Dean Stites 5/20/00
Zelma Driskill 5/20/00
Barbara Bergman 1/11/01
Marvin Oerke 02/01/01
Virginia Fyock Mar 14, 2002

file name:POEMFF

by Fred Frank WWII PBM pilot


Walking down the street
Children shyly look away
Gilrs return a look of recognition,
Young women speak
Middle age women stare vacantly to a point beyond
Old women pass silently by.

Walking up the street
with the afternoon sun against the window
returning the furtive glances of the vain,
Reporting who is there and yet to come,
I see an old man who is not old,
Whos step is slowed yet quick

Old man in the window,
Bracing your shoulders, stroking your hair,
Who are you?
Old man stop mocking me,
Moving as I move, frowning as I frown.

Someday I'll be like you, but not now
Someday we'll be friends, but not now.

Walking up the street
Children shyly look away,
Girls stare vacantly to a point beyond,
Young women smile and nod,
Middle age women return a look of recognition,
Old women speak.

About the author:Fred Frank like myself was a co-pilot in PBM's
during WWII in the Pacific but unlike myself he pursued a literary
career after the war and retired as Dean of a prestigous eastern
Robert E. Dunavan Dec 20,1998

copies to:William R. Auld Dec 20,1998
file note book Dec 20, 1998
Charles Craig Jan 25,1999
Larry Hattem 2/8/1999
backup disc 0826-1EE7
Dean Stites 5/20/00
Zelma Driskill 5/20/00
Richard Garbe June 21, 2000
ZIP DISC 1-26-00A

file name:TAKOFF45
Squadron VPB-208 departed Ulithi Atol for Kerama Retta Okinawa
about midnight March 31, 1945. Our crew was among the last to start
our take-off run. The Sea surface was as smooth as glass with a
pretty good swell running. I was co-pilot that night(the other
Ensign on that flight was James Huth. He became deceased last year.
I had finally located him just a short while before he died) and
Lt. McKneely was the plane commander sitting in the left seat. We
were heavily loaded and the suction on the smooth surface didn't
want to let us go. We would go roaring along and when we hit a
swell the plane would bounce into the air and then settle back down
in time to get bounced up again on the next swell. After about
three of these,ever helpful co-pilot Dunavan reached up and
increased the throttle setting on both engines. Now Pratt&Whitney
were not just kidding when they said that absolute max throttle
setting on their engines was 54 inches of mercury, at sea level. At
this increased throttle setting the starboard(right) engine started
detonating and loosing power as a result. We were lucky we didn't
blow a couple of jugs (cylinders) as prolonged detonation can
destroy an engine. The reduction of power in the right engine
caused the airplane to veer to the right and consquently and
unbeknown to us on our final bounce before becoming air born we
either landed on or ran over the final marker bouy/light. I later
confirmed this by talking to other pilots who were already airbone
at the time and watching our takeoff run. That person had observed
that after we became airborne the last marker Bouy/light had

(If land planes land why don't sea planes water?)

After all aircraft were airborne we kind of formed up into an Air
Force formation(more than one airplane going the same direction the
same day) and headed for Okinawa which I had never heard of until
that night. I don't recall much about the trip except wondering
what those little colored lights were for on the sides of each
Part two to follow
August 9,2000

Always a copilot Dunavan

copies to:Lew Whitehead Sept. 2000
Marvin Oerke Oct.11,00
Capt. Lester Slate May 5, 2001
ZIP DISC 1-26-00A
file note book mar 10,2002

file name:MogMog


         With all this talk about Ulithi Atol, I'm surprised no one has mentioned the Island of MogMog. As I recall it was the REC Center for the entire fleet. I once had the dubious distiction of being Officer-in-Charge of Liberty party to MogMog. The party consisted of all our crew members who could getaway ,dozens of cases of beer in green cans. It was not a happy time for me, not being a consumer of alcohol in any form. On shore it was not a pleasant sight. Hundreds of sailors in varying state of drunkness, some playing games, some fighting and others just sitting and doing nothing. Fortunately nothing occurred causing me to have to make a command decision. The responsibility of being a Navy Officer was a heavy burden for me. Some how I managed to get them all back to our ship ok. I believe a movie was made after WWII using the islands of Ulithi Atol as the location.

                While at Ulithi Atol I recall the night the Kamaziis attacked the carrier Franklin/Randolp causing a lot of deaths. One of the Jap planes apparently mistook the landing strip on the island of Falalop for a flat-top and crashed on it. At the time we were there the island of Yap was being used as a target for bombing practice. Years later I learned that the Navy had completely isolated Yap,the few natives and occupying Japanese were literally starving and all the while being used for target practice.

                Also while at Ulithi one of our VPB-208 pilots made the mistake of trying to move his PBM-5 to another buoy with the tunnel hatch open and caused it to sink right there in plain sight of everyone including the Skipper. I nearly pulled the same manuever while moving our plane to another buoy when the one we were anchored to started drifting in the high winds. I never sank the airplane but I tore off both sea-anchors and had a terrible time getting tied to another buoy. I also watched a PB2Y3 catch fire, burn and sink. Apparently they had a gas leak and somehow it got on fire. I was on watch on our airplane at the time and saw the fire start through the open hatch of their airplane and the fellows inside frantically trying to extinguish it but could not do so. Finally they had to deploy the life rafts and abandon ship. I felt sorry for them .


Always a Co-pilot Dunavan aka Navanud Trebor, RED, hey-you ET AL

copies to:Lew Whitehead 04/19/01

                 Don Ewbank

                 Tom Bush

                file note book , mar 10,02

                Dean Stites  Friday, April 05, 2002

                Herb Lohrbach Tuesday, July 02, 2002

Thu, 23 Aug 2001 15:28:56   
Was so surprised to hear from you,didn'tknow where you were.Had tried to
contact any and all from the old squadron and found a few, but most of all I
found Mckneely,Hager,Johnson of our crew. I also found others that reside in
Florida. In april Mckneely Hager and myself had a small two day reunion in
Mckneely"s home in Lakeland Fl. I live about 40 miles north from his house
in Webster Fl.Hager lives in Charleston W.V. but has relatives that live in
Fl. so when he visits them he calls us for a meet.We had a very good time in
those two days and swapped a lot of good and bad times of memories.Mckneely
does not travel much,he is now 83 yrs.old, says he don't like to go to unfamilar places.

I do a lot of traveling,because I am a young 77 yrs. old .just kidding.
None of our crew will be at the Reunion,I would have liked to attend but had other
prior plans. It would be nice to meet and see you again and I know Mac as we
call him would be overjoyed to see you and or hear from you.Maybe some time in
the near future all or some of us could have a get together somewhere.There
is a number of the old squadron that winter in Fl. also a few that reside
there full time.So again sure was nice to hear from you.Hope to keep in
Claude Redd







VPB-99 JULY 1945 THRU SEPT 1945, VPB-100 OCT 1945, VPB-208 NOV. 1945 THRU JAN




VPB 208 references from 1/14/2003
VPB 208 mentions from

MANKOWITZ, Murray "...I was a member of
VP-208 in 1942. We deployed to NS Roosevelt Roads, PR..." [01JUL2000]

MORSE, ARM2/c Sidney Emerson c/o his Grandson ENS Raymond F.
Barnes, Jr. "...I'm looking for anyone
who might have known my grandfather, ARM2/c Sidney Emerson
Morse, of Augusta, ME. He was a member of Combat Aircrew "Baker",
VP-208, and served in the Pacific Theater in 1944 and 1945. I
have his logbook and squadron "yearbook", called "Peter Bogey
Mike", but he died before I was born, and would like to know
what he was like from some of his old Shipmates. Thanks in
advance for any help!..." [16JAN99]

BREON, Wallace c/o His Grandson Shawn Breon JSWILDMAN@AOL.COM
"...I would like to hear from anyone who knew my grandfather
WALLACE BREON of VPB-208. Thanks...He was with OTU-4 July
1945 thru September. He was with VPB-99/a> October 1945.
He was with VPB-100 November 1945 thru January 1946. He was
with VPB-208. I would like to hear from anyone who flew with
him. I would also like to know if there is a squadron patch
for VPB-208. I would also like to thank Ken Maddock for his
E-Mail. Thanks..." [BIO Updated 14JAN2000 | 01SEP99

DUNAVAN, Robert E. "...I was in squadron
VPB-208 from December 25, 1943 until August 26, 1945. I have
written several articles about my Navy experiences of which
I will be glad to share. Some of my articles have been published
in newsletters..." [11AUG2001]

HODGKIN, Bernerd W. c/o His Son Kirby Hodgkin
"...I'm looking for research materials which would cover either
the involvement of Naval Patrol Bombing squadron 208 or the
use of their plane (PBM Martin Mariner). My Papa was in this unit
in both the Caribbean (antisubmarine duty) and Pacific between 1942
and 1945.I have the unit's "yearbook" Peter, Bogey Mike.My father's
name appears incorrectly as Sodgkin ( Jig Crew) page 20. He passed
away on 080497. He spoke often (to me anyway) about two crew members
in particular, Jim Lashua (Plattsburg N.Y.) and Lt. Weisiger (Ivy
Depot, VA.). Any information concerning persons, planes or histories
would greatly be appreciated. I've not come across references to
either the plane or the unit in any of my readings.I do have several
of my Papa's photographs of the plane. Thank you in advance. PAPA'S
NAME Bernerd W. Hodgkin...Thanks!..."

KAIL, Morton "...I was an Ordinanceman-gunner
with an air crew of VPB-208 during our tour in the Pacific from
Dec. 1944 to Sept. 1945. I've gone to several squadron Reunions
in recent years and, as our ranks grow thinner, I'd like to find
any men who served with that squadron to possibly attend future
Reunions. Our next is planned for New London Connecticut later
in l999. Any former members of VPB-208 please get in touch with me.
There is also a Mariner/Marlin Association which I have joined,
but have never attended any of their meetings. I am interested
in any war stories by former Mariner crew members for possible
use in magazine articles and a book I plan to write (someday).
I would be interested in hearing from any former members of VPB-208,
especially those on the Pacific tour of duty from November 1944
to September 1945..." [E-Mail/BIO Updated 01SEP99 | 29JAN99

KNEF, Andrew W. "...I served with VPB-214 on November 8,
1943 at NAS Norfolk, Virginia. My pilot was Lt. E. G. Loftus. We flew
the PBM aircraft. I was a Seaman 1/c then AMM as a tailgunner. My
last flight was on September 15, 1944 with Pilot LTjg Gilmore. We
flew anti-sub patrol for convoys while stationed at Norway. I was
transfered to VPB-99 in October 12, 1944 and finally transferred
to VPB-98. This was followed by a 19.8 hour trans-pac flight from
San Diego to MCAS/NAS Kaneohe Bay, Hawaii. On August 28, 1945, we
landed in SagamiBay, Japan. While there we flew over airfields to
check aircraft to see if they were flyable. They never allowed to fly
over the Emporias Palace. We went back to the States from there...Flew
with VP-208 from 2/45 till 9/45. I served under Commander Anton J.
Sintic in Air Crew Sugar. Crew Skipper, Q. F. Baker our crew picture,
on page 28 in Peter Bogey Mike book. Would love to hear from any of
the old crew members. Standing by. God Bless this site Andy (the BB
kid)..." [E-Mail Updated 27JUL99 | BIO Updated 24JUN99 | 23JUN99]

LEGG, CPO Paul P. Retired "...I started out as a
PC/FE with VP-208 January 1946. Got out of the Navy and joined the
Reserves assigned to VP-661. It so happened that I was the first guy
to make chief in the reserves (1949). Recalled to active duty September
1950 and became Maintenance Chief then a Plane Captain till June 1953.
Served with VP-34 NAS Trinidad, British West Indies till June 1955,
EC-121K 's NAS Patuxent River, Maryland NRL till 1962, and VW-13 NAS
Argentia, Newfoundland, Canada. Enjoyed my naval aviation tremendously...
I was assigned to VW-2 June 1955. Worked in power plants for a while.
I then went to FE school at Burbank,Ca. I started as a student
engineer under a guy known as Placidi. I then flew with Elwell an
Vada and became a first engineer then a check engineer then the training
chief for the FE's. VW-2 was absolutely one of the best squadrons I was
ever attached to. I later went to NRL and the to VW-13 at NAS Argentia,
Newfoundland, Canada. I was the engineer on the panel during the crash
of BUNO: 141329. My seat safety belt was the only thing that saved me.
 I ended up pinned to the roof of the cockpit. The 2 pilots assisted
 me in getting back to the main cabin.As I've stated before. The men
 in the VW squadrons were absolutely the best..." [BIO Updated 06JUN2002
| 14MAY2002]

MANKOWITZ, Murray "...I was a member of VP-208 in
1942. We deployed to NS Roosevelt Roads, PR..." [01JUL2000]

MORSE, ARM2/c Sidney Emerson c/o his Grandson ENS Raymond F. Barnes,
Jr. "...I'm looking for anyone who might have
known my grandfather, ARM2/c Sidney Emerson Morse, of Augusta, ME.
He was a member of Combat Aircrew "Baker", VP-208, and served in the
Pacific Theater in 1944 and 1945. I have his logbook and squadron
"yearbook", called "Peter Bogey Mike", but he died before I was born,
and would like to know what he was like from some of his old Shipmates.
Thanks in advance for any help!..." [16JAN99]

PEASE, Frank A. "...I was a member of Patrol
Bombing Squadron 208 from December 1943 through November 1945. I was
adrift with crew members in a life raft on June 20, 1945, 80 miles
north of Okanawa. Contact me. would love to hear from squadron
members..." [26MAR99]

REDD, Claude "...Served in VPB-208 Dec 42 to Aug 45
Would like to hear from any and all old shipmates..."
[E-Mail Updated 12MAY 99 | E-Mail Updated 21DEC98 | E-Mail Updated
08SEP98 | 04JAN98]

SHIVELY, Loyd E. "...I was with PBM Squadron VP-208
that flew into Tokyo Bay September 2, 1945. My plane Commander was
Lt. H. J. Grimes. I would like to hear from any of that crew that is
still around. By the way Eden at that time was Leaksville, Spray, and
Draper N.C..." [13JUN99]

TITLER, Guy c/o His Step Daughter Janet Gieder
"...My stepfather is Guy Titler, originally from Brownsville, PA,
now living in Youngstown, Ohio. He flew in a Martin Mariner PBM from
1941 through 1945 with VP-208. The squadron has annual Reunions and
they are looking for any information on the family of Ernest Kunzler
from Portland, Ore. Mr. Kunzler was killed in Okinawa in 1945. Guy
would like to hear from anyone who shared his experiences and any new
information. Thanks..." [20JAN2001

WATTS, Doug "...Member PBM/Mariner Association.
1943 attended Aviation Ordnance School, NAS Norman, Oklahoma, Naval
Air Gunnery School, Purcell,OK. PBM Operational Training Unit at NAS
Banana River, Florida and NAS Corpus Christi, Texas. Joined VPB-208,
July 1945, at Okinawa. Flew with Squadron in Japan until they returned
home in December 1945. Transferred to Seaplane Tenders USS Pine Island
(AV-12) and USS Gardiners Bay (AVP-39) for duty in China. Recalled in
1950 and served aboard the USS Bon Homme Richard (CV-31) as part of
Task Force 77 in Korea. Would welcome E-mails from former Shipmates..."

WERNER, ATCS George Retired "...Served in VP-18
during 1962 thru 1966. Made deployments to NAS Argentia, Newfoundland,
Canada, NS Rota, Spain, NAS Sigonella, Sicily, and NS Roosevelt Roads,
PR. Flew as radio op. in our P2V-7s., and in the Avionics shop...I was
an ARM3/c in VPB-2 1944-1945, flying PBM-3/C and PBM3/E seaplanes. Was
an ARM2/c and an ARMAC2/c in VPB-208 in 1945-1947 flying PBM-3 and
PBM-5 seaplanes. I flew with "Pappy" Burns, CWO3, as an ARM1/c, changed
to AT1, in 1948-1950 and we ferried PBMs and PBY-5 and 5-a seaplanes
from NAS Norfolk, Virginia to the west coast for overhaul with VR-31,
in NAS Norfolk, Virginia. Rode the aircraft carriers with VA-35 for 4
years and then served with VP-18 during 1961-1963 with crew 13 as radioman,
flying in our "hotshot" P2V-7 patrol planes, with "two Turnin", and "two
Burnin" . We were the "E" squadron for years and the other squadrons in
the wing - VP-5, VP-7, VP-16 had P2V-5 a/c. We thought we should get the
first P3V a/c but the "Wing" didn't want 2 squadrons transitioning at the
same time, so we kept the 7's. Don't know if they got the P3V before being
decommissioned in 1968, since I left the squadron in Mar.1963 and retired
as an ATCS. "VP sailors" are all a special breed of cat, and if you don't
believe that, check all the wrecked bars around the world! Best wishes
to all who had the privilige to fly with 2 or more "fans"..." [00XXX97]

Hi, Jim --

Thanks for your note. I was not aware of the DC event. Hope you had a
good time.

I look forward to the Milwaukee info/dates for next year. I'm sure
there are not many VPB-208 squadron members left. Do you remember if
you met anyone from Combat Aircrew D ("Dog") ? That was my dad's
outfit (F. David Daum, ACMMF, Aviation Chief Machinist's Mate, Flight
Engineer). Dad was a Chief Petty Officer.

Drake Daum
Dayton, Ohio

Hi Jim,
I saw your inquiry about the crash of one of our crews as we were leaving Alameda NAS, in the latest VPB newsletter  that I just received today, so I hope the website that I just sent to you was what you were looking for.
I'm Ken Maddock and I was the bow turret gunner in Combat Air Crew Fox and if you read the VPB 208 newsletter, you will have seen several of my inputs to that pub. If you are really interested about getting about all the info you would like to know about the Squadron, you should definitely write to Walter Schurman and ask him to send you a copy of his book. His e-mail address is  schurm5522 - at
That is a very complete book. There were a lot of missions that were not covered, but if you read that book, it will give you a pretty good idea of our missions in the Pacific.
If I can be of any further help, please ask.We are getting fewer and fewer.
Good luck to you and your family.
Ken Maddock

(the following is to be integrated into the web pages 11/18/2005 jws)
Hi Jim::::I have been reading the different links in your web site and it appears that you have been researching VPB-208 for quite awhile.....You already know about the vpnavy web site so you know about the short history of 208,,,, you know about the crash of crew Baker in S.F. Bay,,, you know about the crash of Crew Charlie on Mt. Talapais,,,,, I don't think there is much more I can tell you.....Except to identify some of the pictures in your Dad's album....I believe most ( if not all)of the pictures  in the album were taken at Key West.
When you Dad was in Banana River he was assigned to VP- 202 as his log indicates.... I was also in Banana River about the same time but I was in VP15,,,   These were Transitional Training Squadrons,,, which means we would train in these squadrons for a period of time and then transfer to an operational squadron,,which in our case was 208...Your Dad joined 208 in April of '43 and i believe was assigned to Crew 'O' The reason I believe this is ,,,the pictures he has of the crew on the tail is Crew O,,,,, Buddy Junkin,, the picture on the bunk,,,,,,was in Crew O....I didn't join the squadron until a couple months later and was also assigned to Crew O Although I am not in the picture.
BUT::::: on pge.4 the guy in dress blues, squating Image 45 is me,,, as is image 47, drinking.  also the one of your Dad was taken on Duval St. the main drag in Key West, I also believe some of the pictures that were taken by the water was at a little park at the end of Duval St. A picture on pg. 6 is me taken in Key West, as is Image 08 waist gun station. and image 12 (unknown BUD on beach) Pg.7 The other waist gun station I believe is Joe Hoskins,,,, he was Plane Captain of Crew O in Key West....He did not go overseas with the squadron,,,, he was transferred before. Joe is in the picture of crew O on the tail,,,, sitting extreme right,,,,you will also find Buddy Junkin in the middle.....Buddy, Charlie Jones and myself used to pal around together.....
One thing that puzzles me is in your Dads log book,,,, after he arrived in the squadron in April '43 he flew for one month, and then the rest of the months there are no entries......Do you know why?????? 
 I am a 2 finger typist and it took me quite awhile to type this so I am going to quit for now ,,,, will write again tomorrow regarding the list of bases you have in your web site.    If there is anything else, let me know and i will answer if i know.....     Ed Callen

Jim::; I was looking over the list of bases that you have on your site and some of them were just stop overs on our way to our destination....When we were in Key West,,,,our advanced bases were Cuba,,,, Grand Cayman,,,,Nassau in the Bahamas,,,,, and Great Exuma.....If we were on a Patrol flight that took us to the Yucatan Peninsula ,,,,, We would stop at the base in Grand Cayman,,, instead of going all the way back to K.W. We would refuel get some supplies and make any repairs if necessary and fly out the next day......Eagle Mt. Lake was just a stop over on our cross country flight from Norfolk to Alameda, Cal.   Banana River was a separate N.A.S. We never stopped there,,, unless it was an emergency. In the Pacific,,,, Johnson Island,,,, Enewetok , Kwajalen, were just stopovers from Hawaii to our base at Saipan,,,,,Another place we were based was at the islands of Ulithi...Kerrama Retto,,, Okinawa,,,, Chim Yu Wan ,,,,,Okinawa,,, and finally Yokasuka,, Japan......

Did you notice that in the PBM Book , there is no Crew Charlie,,, in reverence to the members that were killed on the Mt. they never replaced Crew Charlie.....   While we were still in K.W.   I was transferred out of Crew 'O' to Crew "I" Item......When we reached Hawaii, we were short 2 crews that had crashed in S.F. so they had to make up at least one of the Crews, so they took one man (Pilots and crew) from eack of the other crews and made up Crew Baker,,,, and I was made Plane Captain,,,,lucky me!!!!!
Jim,,,, about a week ago I sent several aerial pictures of the Yokasuka Air base,,,,, They weren't the clearest but you could make out planes on the ground....Did you get them ????    I was looking thru Noel Smiths Album,,,, on pg.6 photo # 096 is not Guy Titler,,,,, On the back of the photo,, I couldn't read what it said,,,, but the name was Guy Edwin Titler,,,, I don't know who the photo is.    Also on my Log page you put up is out of sequence with a couple of errors.......It has Oct '42 ,,,, I didn't join the squadron until Aug. '43 and I was never in VP 202.....My first Crew with 208   was Crew " H " then joined Crew "O" in Oct. '43..... You really don't have to post my log,,I sent it so you could compare it to your Dad's log,,, when we flew together..    Do you still need to identify some of the photos in your Dad's album ?  It seems like all the photos in Noel's album are Identified...... There is a photo on Pg.6   # 92  Guy Titler on the Rt.     .....Ed....